


Exterior blinds

Exterior blind EC 80

Slope exterior blinds

Slope and arch venetian blinds

Pleated blinds

Screen roller blinds

Roller shutters


Awnings for patios and conservatories


Venetian blinds

Roller blinds

Panel tracks

Vertical blinds

Insect screens

Slope and arch insect screens

Arched insect screens for windows

Controls and SMART HOME

Why choose us?


  • we have been producing and assembling shading products since 1991
  • we are a traditional family business
  • we have been building our know-how for over 20 years


  • all our components are of European origin
  • our proven suppliers include companies from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy and Scandinavia
  • strict product control from production to shipping

What we offer

  • we cover Brno, Prague, South Moravia and the whole of Bohemia
  • we will consult, measure, manufacture and assemble the order
  • warranty and post-warranty service is a matter of course

About us

“For the past twenty years, I haven’t done anything to be ashamed of. I would not like to change it.”

(Miloš Sysel)

“We are a small company capable of implementing large projects.”

(Jan Sysel)

We are a family company with more than twenty years of tradition. Most of our employees have been working with us for more than ten years and together we form a family business team. Over the years, we already have our own know-how and production technologies and processes, which we are constantly improving. Thanks to custom production, the field of shading technology has not become a routine for us. We still love inventing new things, new perspectives and new inspirations.

Only from a distance we are looking at current trends of the cheapest prices. Customized products, however, have always been something special and that will never change. Just like a carpenter who uses the best-tried wood and puts a part of himself into every product, so we treat every product that goes through our production. Whether it is a more expensive exterior product or a simple interior shading, we always want you to use it, enjoy it and enjoy it. Because only then are we satisfied.

  • Company philosophy

    Our motto is to supply our customers with the highest quality products on the market because we believe that we all deserve quality products.

  • Origin of components

    Our primary goal is to make our products work properly. We do not like to go for complaints and therefore we produce our products from such components that the complaint is as low as possible and we must say that we are doing well.

    We select suppliers that have long been on the market and whose products do not lose quality. We have a long and warm relationship with all suppliers and we know we can rely on them.

  • Production and technology

    In the production halls of the company Systra, spol. s r.o. Swedish machines work daily to take care of the shaping and cutting of slats, precision cutting of beams, weights and other aluminum components. We like them and we give them time off on weekends.

  • Atypical products

    Atypical products are our specialty. We had to create a number of custom components for our atypical products because there were none on the market to meet our standards. Every atypical product from our production thus has its components tailored to guarantee precise functionality and long product durability.

Our partners


News, tips & tricks and articles

Exterior blinds for dormer windows

Sloped blinds, including those for outdoor use, are our specialty. But what if the customer has a sloping dormer window? Is there an optimal solution?

Exterior blinds integrated in the facade

If you think about it in advance enough, installing blinds under the facade is the best solution. There is nothing worse than wanting exterior blinds to the house when the house is already standing, is insulated and facade.

Awnings with the Volant Plus

Do you know the feeling that the sun will bend to the horizon and you are dazzled even though the awning is extended over you? Meet the Weinor telescopic Plus Plus, which once and for all solved this problem.

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